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CSPP Los Angeles Community Center

Gain practical skills in a global environment.


Training and Fieldwork

As a graduate student at CSPP in Los Angeles, 你将在美国最具文化和种族多样性的环境中学习, 这提供了丰富的培训和实地考察的机会.

Center for Innovation and Change (CIC)

加州职业心理学院是洛杉矶创新与变革中心(CIC)的所在地, 为组织心理学学生提供实践经验的机会. CIC会把你安排在各级组织的专业经验领域, including consulting and leadership roles. 一些客户组织非常欣赏CIC团队所做的工作,他们已经与CIC合作多年. 即使是正在攻读研究生学位的中期职业人士也可以找到实际的项目,他们可以把在课堂上学到的东西应用到实践中,使他们的教育经历更加相关和有力.

For over a decade, CIC与组织和公共机构合作开展组织发展项目. Through the CIC, CSPP组织心理学硕士和博士项目的学生团队从事短期项目, usually lasting one to six months. In this program, 您通常会与客户机构中有经验的从业者合作开发并交付主动性工作. 这个人可以是内部的HR/OD专家,也可以是与组织合作的外部顾问.

Services offered by CIC include:

  • Organizational diagnosis and assessment
  • 员工调查分析-定性和定量
  • Program evaluation
  • Strategic planning and action planning facilitation
  • Change management planning and facilitation
  • Strategic change communication
  • Diversity assessment and initiative development
  • Training needs analysis
  • Training program development and delivery
  • Team building
  • Conflict resolution
  • 360 degree feedback
  • Leadership assessment
  • Individual development planning
  • Management coaching

Past clients include Goodwill of Southern California, The Walt Disney Studios, Disney-ABC Television Group, Metrolink, City of Hope National Medical Center, The Los Angeles Free Clinic, and the City of Pasadena, the Business Literacy Institute, and small and for-profit organizations. Clients build long-term relationships with CIC, 建立完善的基础设施来支持学生咨询.

After working on CIC projects, 你可能更有可能接受管理咨询职位的面试, change management, training and development, and human resources management. For instance, IBM holds recruiting lunches with our students; many of  the students they chose to interview were those with CIC project leadership experience or heavy activity on CIC consulting projects.

CIC的领导和深度参与的咨询师在实习或毕业后都在大公司工作, including:

  • Accenture
  • Bank of America
  • City of Hope National Medical Center
  • Deloitte Consulting
  • Ernst & Young
  • Intuit
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Personnel Decision International
  • Raytheon
  • RHR International
  • The Walt Disney Company
  • The Walt Disney Studios
  • Warner Brothers

在完成第一学期的课程后,学生有资格参加CIC项目 MA in Organizational Psychology or the PhD in Organizational Psychology at the Los Angeles campus.

For more information on the CIC, contact Dr. Jonathan Troper, CIC director.

Other Los Angeles Area Community Service Programs

  • Alhambra Unified School District
  • Children, Youth, and Family Services Consortium
  • 资优教育(GATE)辅导计划和领导力培训
  • Primary Intervention Program
  • Ramona Healthy Start Family Center
  • Violence Prevention Program