


Dr. Ken Kelch is a professor and program director of the TESOL programs.  He has worked at Alliant for over 25 years.  在Alliant, Dr. Kelch has been an instructor in and director of the ESL program. He has been a professor in the TESOL program for over 15 years and became the program director in 2014.  Dr. Kelch has published and given presentations on many areas of language teaching and learning, and he is the co-editor of a textbook on computer assisted language learning.  His areas of specialization are curriculum development, 研究方法, language program administration, and qualitative research.  Dr. Kelch enjoys supervising in-service and pre-service teachers, in particular guiding his doctoral candidates through the dissertation process.  He is fond of traveling and teaching in Asia, which he has done in Japan, 台湾, 泰国,  韩国, 和中国.  

  • TESOL teacher education
  • Curriculum development
  • 研究设计
  • 定性研究.
教育 and Certifications
  • Alliant International University, 教育学博士, TESOL.
    • Dissertation title: “Articulating Teacher Belief Systems in an Intensive English 程序:  A Case Study”

  • Research in Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics
  • Language 程序 Administration
  • Design, Development, and Evaluation of Second Language 项目
  • TESOL现场项目
  • Qualitative Research Methods
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • “Case Studies for Teacher 教育 and Professional Development,” Hawaii International Conference on 教育, 2022. 
  • Kelch K.Byun, J.S.塞万提斯,S., & 影响,年代., eds. (2021). CALL Theory Applications for 在线 TESOL 教育.  IGI全球.
  • “Teacher Study Groups as Professional Development,” CATESOL conference, 2020.
  • “Teaching in the Linguistically Diverse K-8 Classroom, 第二部分,” workshop co-presenter for the 圣地亚哥 and Imperial Counties Catholic Diocese, 2019.
  • “Syllabus Design in English Language Teaching,” invited co-presenter, 21st Century Creative Teaching in English Language Conference, 明道大学, 台湾, 2017.
  • Kelch K. & Malupa-Kim, M. (2014). “Implementing Case Studies in Language Teacher 教育 and Professional Development,ORTESOL杂志.